Female adolescents through the lens of positive youth development

Female adolescents through the lens of positive youth development


Strokovni priročnik v angleškem jeziku, ki temelji na avtoričini doktorski raziskavi, je sestavljen iz štirih poglavij in nudi globlji vpogled posebej v svet mladostnic z vidika PRM-ja v evropskem in slovenskem kontekstu. Delo predstavi celostni razvoj mladostnic predvsem v prostem času, pri čemer se teoretični in praktični vidiki med seboj organsko dopolnjujejo z namenom krepiti interdisciplinarne raziskave v prid mladih, mladinskih politik in praks.

This handbook, based on the author’s doctoral research, consists of four chapters and offers a deeper insight specifically into the world of female adolescents from the PYD perspective in the European and Slovenian context. The work presents the holistic development of female adolescents especially in their leisure time, with theoretical and practical aspects complementing each other in an organic way, with the aim of fostering interdisciplinary research for the well-being of young people, as well as for the benefit of youth policies and practices.




Iz predgovora prof. Maria Oscarja Llanosa:

Strokovni priročnik Barbare Poredoš ima svojo vrednost v tem, da se neomajno osredotoča na pogosto spregledano področje mladostnic.

Delo bralca povede skozi razvojne značilnosti mladostnic, začenši s pronicljivim raziskovanjem mladostništva z družbeno-zgodovinskega vidika. V nadaljevanju preučuje relacijsko sistemske modele razvoja in se zaključi s podrobno raziskavo prostega časa ter njegovega vpliva na pozitivni razvoj mladostnic (PRM).

Nesporna prednost tega dela je inovativna povezava PRM-ja z don Boskovim preventivnim sistemom, vzgojno paradigmo, ki je prestala preizkušnjo časa.

Knjiga predstavlja iskreno vabilo vzgojiteljem, raziskovalcem in vsem, ki si prizadevajo za dobrobit mladostnikov.

From the Preface by Prof. Mario Oscar Llanos:

The work of Barbara Poredoš possesses inherent value in its unwavering focus on the often overlooked realm of female adolescents.

The narrative traverses the developmental landscape, starting with an insightful exploration of adolescence through sociohistorical lenses, progressing to an examination of relational developmental systems, and culminating in a detailed exploration of leisure time and its impact on female positive youth development (PYD).

An undeniable strength of this work lies in its innovative linkage of PYD with the Preventive System of Don Bosco, an educational paradigm that has stood the test of time.

In conclusion, the preface extends a heartfelt invitation to educators, researchers and all those invested in the well-being of adolescents.


NaslovFemale adolescents through the lens of positive youth development
ZaložbaSalve d.o.o. Ljubljana
FormatEnglish e-book


